
Numbers, numbers, numbers

Stacks of SHARK PRINCESS to sign at Stonebriar B&N in Dallas

On my Shark Party Tour I

  • Visited 5 cities (Portland, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas and Atlanta)
  • Presented to 17 schools and libraries
  • Signed hundreds of books
  • Signed a dozen shoes

Kids ask the best questions including “what is it like to be famous?” and “can you make a book about a megamouth (he meant megladon)?” One frequent question was “how many books have you made?” and I need to be better about concrete answers. They want numbers. They want FACTS.

I am fortunate enough to have many books out and more waiting to be made, so the number fluctuates in my mind.

But the firm answer is

Skaggs schools in Dallas
Kids with their SHARK PRINCESS crowns during my presentation

When I present, I include facts about sharks. I prepared my presentation a couple years ago and I read that there were 400 kinds of sharks in the ocean. Except, like my books, that number fluctuates. Due to new discoveries, the number of shark species identified has increased.

  • There are 500 different types of sharks (!!)
  • I drew 30 different types of sharks for Shark Party

I’m home and looking forward to making progress on my next book deadlines. I still have events through the summer but nothing like a book tour. Over the summer I will

  • Visit 3 cities for book events
  • Visit 5 cities for personal travel

First up is the Fairyland Book Festival in Oakland this Saturday at 1pm.

Hope to see you there!