central park take two
part of drawing everyday means i make the choice, everyday, to create. i love it! i feel myself growing and changing through that process. i never run out of ideas or new things to try. i’m also my own worst critic, and i nitpick my drawings to no end… mostly in my head. when i created the central park image, i was trying new painting techniques and brushes in photoshop, i fell in love with the scene, the foliage, the light and shadow, but i rushed the characters. the original image is fine as it is, but i wasn’t happy with it. the characters felt like an afterthought, and i’ll admit that to some degree they were. so for the first time ever, i decided to go back, scrap the characters and try again.
at the end of that day, i can choose to leave well enough alone, or strive to make it better.
this is me choosing to make it better.
also love this one <3
thanks neki! ^_^
my pleasure nindhi  :*
Absolutely LOVE both of them, but the top is my favorite 🙂