
baby barish

After working five weeks non-stop it feels very good to be home. I will be traveling a lot this year and working on new projects that will be announced sometime soon (I hope). My time for personal art is minimal. This image has been floating in my head for weeks – our daughter absolutely loves barish (rain) just like me.

I will be speaking on a panel this Saturday through CAAMfest about Pashmina and storytelling along with some stellar folks – Thi Bui who’s beautiful graphic memoir just released, The Best We Could Do.  Innosanto Nagara who wrote the essential kids book, A is for Activist. If you’re in Oakland please come by!

I will be in Cleveland in April as well as Juneau, Alaska. You can always see my upcoming events here.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

rain friend


all originals are available in my shop ^_^

happy monday!

rain hug


rain hug, 2017 – first watercolor of the year! i am going to try for one watercolor every day this month! available for $85 (including postage) please contact – i will update the post once sold ^_^

rain song


what a glorious feeling
