I wanted to finish this before Father’s Day but I didn’t have the time. I couldn’t celebrate with my family because I was in Denver for their Comic-con. While I was there the news of the administration taking a zero tolerance stance on immigration filled my news feed. Photos of children kept in cages and separate from their parents. I wanted to tune out, numb myself and disengage.
In the the last 10 years I built my art career and generally feel proud of my accomplishments. As the news of this horrific practice released I began to regret my life choices. Why didn’t I become a lawyer, doctor, advocate? I have no skills to help in these situations. I asked myself, what can I do to combat these atrocities?
I can draw. I can create and I can use that skill to raise money and awareness. My voice is small but I will not remain silent. I will not sit idly by as babies are ripped from their mothers. Mothers whose only crime is to seek asylum from trauma in their home countries.
Today I will run an auction on twitter of rare pieces of art (Disney art, variant cover comics and art collections) I will begin posting at 1pm and close each auction at the end of the hour. All money will be donated here. Next week I will create ink drawings and sell them to raise money. I will continue to find ways to help.
Please consider donating. Or signing up to provide support here. Or calling your reps. We have to fight for justice. Together.