
i’ve been lovin’ you

offroad + giveaway

Hiya everyday lovers!

What a nice surprise to hit 2,000 fans on facebook! As a thank you, I am hosting a giveaway. Here are the ways you can enter to one of four prizes! I have two iphone skins from Kellokult, a signed book, or a print of your choice from my shop! You can get up to four entries (but only one winner per prize), here’s how:

1. Share my facebook fanpage on your facebook and leave a comment letting me know

2. Tweet (@nidhiart) your favorite print from my shop

3. Write a blog post about your favorite print or about my work and link back to this post or comment

4. Do all three of the above and receive a fourth entry (make sure to leave a comment!)

The giveaway begins today and ends Sunday August 28nd at 12 midnight, PST. I will choose the winners that night and post the winner the following day!

Thanks for all the love!

(this giveaway is international, open to all)


lean on me


sipi falls, uganda

everyday is an adventure

sari girl

i’m back from comicon – what an amazing trip! i’m excited about everything!

i hope you’re having a happy week!

this little pig

i’ve been working a lot – so i’m going to take a few days away from the computer (and the daily drawings) to work on some wood –
but before that, i’m going to chase the sun through the city ^_^

be back soon!

look up