
I just kept thinking of coffee with this one. Quickly done with technical pen and gouache. Have a happy weekend!


I was so happy to have ample time to draw today I went traditional. I really wanted to draw sea turtles after our Hawaii experience, so here they are! Pen, ink and gouache. Hope you have a great weekend!

on the river

i had a ton of fun with this one. i was trying to remember focal point rules and really trying to get the colors right.

this one is for my nicky.


I tried many new painting techniques with this and I’m fairly happy with it. This was pen and ink, scanned in and digitally colored. I am still trying work around retracing the whole drawing digitally in order to change the line color. I would also like to add transparencies, but for now, this will do.


Whenever I’m packing, my kitty mews at me and tries very hard to unfold my clothes and subsequently my travel plans. I understand though, she hates to see me go, but it’s okay because I always come back.


Sometimes birds crave good music! As I painted this triptych I imagined her strumming alone, with her eyes closed and the birds gathering around her. Do you think she will open her eyes and discover them? Or will they disappear?

I painted this on re-purposed wood over the past month for a show, it was a lot of fun.

Here are some alternate and detail shots 🙂


Do doot do, adapting to an alley cat life.


Sneaky little guy, isn’t he?


Of all the things that are contagious in the world, I really wish happiness was one of them!


I’m so late with this, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the topic, finals took over and I just got to this last night and colored it this morning. Fun!

Oh – and this is the first where 72dpi really doesn’t do the original justice, bleh!