
My most personal comic about eggs and my first pregnancy is on the Nib.

I want to be clear that I am not anti-vegan nor am I making any correlations between protein and pregnancy. I used eggs as a vehicle to share my experience. I needed to make this comic and I needed to make it in a way that didn’t focus on the day of loss but instead on the before and after. For me those are the times that take the longest to process.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely week.

a starred review

Making PASHMINA was one of the hardest things I’ve done in my career so far. To wake up to read a professional review of it in the School Library Journal (a starred one, none the less) is a feeling I cannot describe.

I am so very excited to share PASHMINA with you – we’re less than a month away from it’s release!

Thank you for your support, always.

paint to resist + sale

My sleep is riddled with nightmares these days. When I wake, I shake my head because they’re rooted in reality. I look around and although I am safe, fed and loved; I question its permanence. The rise of hate makes me feel unsafe in my own skin. When I walk down the street I am wary of every person that I pass, reluctant to speak to strangers in a way that I’ve never been before. I feel worn down and so very tired. Unable to escape into my dreams, I take solace in my work.

Because I will never allow their hate and my fear to stop me. I will keep creating and sharing love. I will never stop resisting in every word, painting and act of kindness.

To paint is to resist.

Keep creating, stay committed, stay fierce!

We will get through this with love.

Download all free resistance posters here.

Also it’s the last few hours of our moving sale! Take 30% off your order with the code eclipse17.

moving sale!

We’re a few weeks away from moving to a new place so we’re having a big sale! From now until Wednesday enjoy 30% off our shop! It’s a great time to buy prints, greeting cards and magnets (excludes originals, canvas and sale items).

Thanks for helping us move less stuff (there’s so much stuff!)

write to resist

When I design these posters, I take many things into account. I enjoy drawing cute characters who have a place in the world without being objects of desire. I focus on their activities as well as their functional design. Here she has her hair tied back with a pencil tucked into it. Her back is curved, her head and gaze is focused on the typewriter keys and the page in front of her. She is wearing comfortable clothing without shoes, as most writers I know work from home. All of these components come together to convey her determination and dedication to her craft, to her cause.

To write is to resist. Download this and all the free resistance art here.

Keep writing, stay loud, stay fierce!

We will get through this with love.

stand for love

I pushed aside some work to make these free images. You can find them here.

I will keep making more through the week. Stay strong, stay loud and keep resisting.

With love,


daddy potty training

music resists

Download the 8.5×11 page here and page 1 here, page 2 here, and page 3 here.

Our dedicated activist sings along with a folk singer she meets on her path!

These are free, downloadable coloring pages. This is how I resist – by telling stories and creating art. I hope this will be a tool to help parents and teachers talk about protesting, fighting the good fight and loving each other. Obviously there is no age limit – anyone can download and color these pages.

I do have a request – if you color this page, please take a photo and share it in the comments. I’d love to see it!

Thank you, always, for your support. We will get through this with love.

kettle corn cuddle

Also, we’ve extended our sale! Today is the last day to use the code SDCC17 to enjoy 25% off our shop.

I hope you have a happy week!

comicon for all

I’m still recovering from Comicon – it was a whirlwind of panels, parties and my 7th year in small press. I didn’t want folks who couldn’t make it to miss out, so we’re having a sitewide 25% off sale* through Sunday (our biggest of the year) with the code SDCC17.

I hope you’re having a good week.

*excludes sale, canvas and originals.