updates & news

I’ve been traveling around promoting PASHMINA and unfortunately had to cancel this weekend’s Seattle and Dallas signings due to illness.

I am recouping and back on the road Monday. I hope to see you in Chicago at Anderson’s Bookshop on November 1st. I will also be at the YALSA Symposium in Louisville on November 4th. And to cap it all off, I’ll be at the Miami Book Fair November 17-18. More information about my events here.

And at home in San Francisco, I’m honored to be featured in the Cartoon Art Museum‘s reopening exhibit which will be up until February.

Meanwhile there have been some wonderful press about PASHMINA in Bleeding Cool, The Mary Sue and Electric Literature.

Thank you, always, for your support. I hope to see some of you on the road!

2018 calendar!

Our 2018, limited run calendar has arrived! We will begin shipping out orders on Monday!

Thanks and have a lovely weekend ^_^

happy diwali!

Festival of Lights - Birthday Card

Diwali Tree - Blank Card

Diwali Dreams

Happy Diwali! I hope you and yours have a wonderful, light filled year.

I will be in Santa Cruz at Atlantis Fantasyworld signing PASHMINA this Saturday from 4-7pm. Also on Monday I will be at the Barnes and Noble in Huntington Beach for a discussion and signing with Cecil Castellucci.  See details and more of my upcoming events here. I hope to see you on the road!


inktober + launch party

The seeker (available)

The audiophile (available)

All inktober drawings are available for purchase, $45 each, if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of brush pen, gold paint, and a dash of colerase pencils. I will update the post when they’re gone!

Tomorrow is my official Pashmina launch party at Trickster in Berkeley (which is thankfully indoors) There will be some light snacks, a short presentation and lots of fun. I hope you can make it!

the optimist

The optimist – SOLD

All inktober drawings are available for purchase if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of brush pen, gold paint, and a dash of colerase pencils. I will update the post when they’re gone!


The free spirit ($45, available)

The adventurer (sold)

Inktober is one of my favorite artist community activities. I will participate as much as I can this year (not daily because I’ll be on the road most of the month). Here’s my first two… it’s been a very long time since I’ve drawn things just for fun. It feels very, very good.

All inktober drawings are available for purchase if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of brush pen, gold paint, and a dash of colerase pencils. I will update the post when they’re gone!

pashmina is out today!

Eeee! Pashmina is officially out today! You can go into your local bookstore, comics shop or library and find it (and if it’s not there, request it!). Thank you everyone for your support, love and kindness through this journey. I hope to see some of you this month on my mini book tour.

I will ask one favor – if you can write a review on Amazon, that helps me a lot!

Thank you to Lyla Warren for animating this beautiful book teaser.

I hope you have a lovely day <3

puerto rico

The publishing community has come together to raise money for Puerto Rico. You can bid on a signed copy of Pashmina and a 50 page graphic novel or art portfolio critique here. You can also browse and bid on offers from other authors, editors and artists. Bidding is open now and closes Thursday.

Please share and support Pub for PR.

Almost there

A little sneak at some panels from PASHMINA which is less than 2 weeks away from release. Its received its second starred review in Publisher’s Weekly.

If you’re in the bay area, I hope to see you at our official launch party. If not, I hope to see you at one of the cities I am visiting on my mini tour.

Have a great week!

pashmina tour dates!

I can’t believe we’re 3 weeks away from Pashmina’s release date! I will be traveling around to promote its release. At each event I will speak about the process of making Pashmina and sign books.

You can find more details about each event on my website or RSVP to them on my facebook events page.

I hope to see you!