
sharing + clearance + news

strollersharing anyone else fight over who pushes the stroller? ^_^ we’ve updated our clearance section with overstock of large prints – get em soon, they’re going fast! also i was invited to contribute to bored panda again, and i wrote about my rejection by publishers.

book news!


i am thrilled to announce that i will be working on a children’s book with author hugh howey. over the next few months i will be creating 32 illustrations for his lovely book about a cloud named misty.

it’s been nearly 4 years since i started working as an artist full-time, and for the first time i feel truly legit. i’m working on two books – pashmina, my graphic novel, and now this project with hugh. it feels like all the late nights, conventions and craft shows have brought me here and i feel happy.

in order to manage my book deadlines, i will be pulling back from my regular illustration posts – i will try to post one image a week, but can’t make any promises!

i hope you have a lovely week!