
art for good 100 drawing challenge

woman holding diwali diya drawing by nidhi chananicold comforts inktober drawing by nidhi chanani

I could let the ocean of bad news swallow me whole. My toes, ankles and knees are submerged. I keep my body up and dry with art. Art is my raft and although it cannot save me from everything, it gives me hope. As more human rights are stripped away by a callous government I am desperate for hope.
Tomorrow, June 28th, I will attempt to create 100 original drawings in a day to raise money for charity similar to the ink drawings above, made in 2016. I am placing my work obligations on hold because resisting and connecting is far more important. Each drawing will be available for sale and every dollar of the sale (less shipping) will be donated here. In order to do this I set a few parameters – each drawing will be in black ink with gold and red embellishments. Each will have a character plus something (animal, object, etc). They will not be named but numbered. Each drawing will be posted immediately, with the help of my office manager Nickole, here.
Lastly, I will take suggestions. Email, tweet or comment and I will do my best to create based on your suggestions. I will need your help. I will post process, WIPs, and perhaps even some live videos on instagram.
I need to create art. I need to build a raft of hope with you.
Let’s fight the good fight together.

music makers + action

I wanted to finish this before Father’s Day but I didn’t have the time. I couldn’t celebrate with my family because I was in Denver for their Comic-con. While I was there the news of the administration taking a zero tolerance stance on immigration filled my news feed. Photos of children kept in cages and separate from their parents. I wanted to tune out, numb myself and disengage.

In the the last 10 years I built my art career and generally feel proud of my accomplishments. As the news of this horrific practice released I began to regret my life choices. Why didn’t I become a lawyer, doctor, advocate? I have no skills to help in these situations. I asked myself, what can I do to combat these atrocities?

I can draw. I can create and I can use that skill to raise money and awareness. My voice is small but I will not remain silent. I will not sit idly by as babies are ripped from their mothers. Mothers whose only crime is to seek asylum from trauma in their home countries.

Today I will run an auction on twitter of rare pieces of art (Disney art, variant cover comics and art collections) I will begin posting at 1pm and close each auction at the end of the hour. All money will be donated here. Next week I will create ink drawings and sell them to raise money. I will continue to find ways to help.

Please consider donating. Or signing up to provide support here. Or calling your reps. We have to fight for justice. Together.