
bicultural parenting

My new comic about bicultural parenting is up on the Nib!

I hope you have a great weekend.

final saturday school


at the beginning of 2013 i set out to create hand lettered hindi art every week. my year took an unexpected turn and i made 37 out of 52 weeks. one of the lessons i learned last year is that nothing is certain. it is okay to attempt, to hope, to try. i am happy with what i created and working with my mom was part of the joy.

through the year i kept thinking about creating an alphabet but i wasn’t ready. i needed the experience of hand lettering those 37 before i could create this…  i feel it truly captures my feelings about hindi and the beauty of language.

this is my last saturday school post, thanks for joining me on this journey.


saturday school – week 45


saturday school – week 44


saturday school – week 43


saturday school – week 42


saturday school – week 40


saturday school – week 38


saturday school – week 36 (and news)


i will be exhibiting at solano stroll with urban bazaar tomorrow, if you’re around come by and say hello! also, you can now find iphone cases on my society 6 store ^_^

have a great weekend!

saturday school – week 34
