

Last night I participated in a panel at the San Francisco Public Library and had the opportunity to see the First Second books exhibit. Similar to when I held Pashmina in my hands for the first time, the feeling of seeing my work displayed in this way left me without words.

The exhibit will remain up until March 4th.

This Sunday I will be at the Cartoon Art Museum to see another display of Pashmina artwork in their new space. I will be on hand to sign copies of Pashmina from 2-4pm and after Nick Park, creator of Wallace & Grommit will be discussing their new project (ticketed event).

It should be a great day and I hope to see you there!

Thanks, as always, for your support.

signed copies of pashmina!

I’m thrilled to share that you can now order signed copies of Pashmina from a wonderful local bookshop, Bel and Bunna here. Each book is signed and comes with a limited edition postcard! If you’re around Lafayette, you can get one in person and if not, no worries, she will ship it to you!

I met Bel at the Northern California Booksellers meeting back in November. She handed me her card and I noticed that her shop was only 20 minutes from where we live now in the East Bay. Then she mentioned they had a weekend story time. We went to a couple, our daughter played with legos and coloring sheets while listening to Bel read. We loved the welcoming and comfortable environment she created in her shop.

Recently, I received a few requests for signed copies of PASHMINA. I wanted to partner with a bookshop to meet these requests so I called her to see if she would be open to working to meet those requests. She was! Within one day she had books online and arrangements made with the local pack and ship.

I love being part of this industry for all the amazing people I’ve meet like Bel who are committed to supporting authors and stories.

The same association, NCIBA, that allowed me to meet Bel announced that PASHMINA is the middle grade book of the year!

I hope you have a wonderful week! ^_^

flash sale!

today through tomorrow at 10am enjoy 30% off our shop (excluding sale, original and canvas items) for our flash sale!

books for strong kids

I feel very happy that PASHMINA was included in a list of wonderful books to build strong girls and boys in the Washington Post today.

I’m also very happy to be home (not traveling for a couple months) and working on my next book and some to be announced projects.

I hope you have a good week!

pashmina in india

I’m thrilled to share the news that PASHMINA has been picked up by Harper Collins India for local release in 2018! This means that it will be published and distributed IN INDIA! I’m so happy – more information and release date forthcoming!

Also today is the last day of our final sale of the year. Enjoy 25% off our shop with the code HOLIDAYLOVE.

Happy week to you!

sale + comix experience

Now through Wednesday is our last sale of the year. Enjoy 25% off our calendar, prints, cards, necklaces and more! (excludes canvas, sale and originals). Use the code HOLIDAYLOVE at checkout.

Also my last signing of the year will be at Comix Experience in San Francisco on December 17th at 11am.

Then I’m going to take some much needed time off with my family.

I hope you have a happy and warm holidays!

so many things!

Signing in Cambridge, MA

Speaking at Cambridge library

Signs colored by students in Chicago

Excited Chicago school kids

Chicago middle schoolers

A favorite drawing request: unicorn

A lovely welcome in Austin

Happy readers in Takoma Park, MD

Takoma Park, MD library

One of my favorite photos – a young girl reading PASHMINA. I think my heart will always swell at the sight of someone reading a book I made… it’s been my lifelong dream!

I’m home from my mini tour, which I realized midway wasn’t very mini. I visited eight cities in the span of a few weeks and had the wonderful opportunity to speak to school kids in each town. It was equal parts exhausting and exhilarating. I met kids, teachers, librarians and booksellers who were excited about books, art and comics. I feel incredibly grateful for each opportunity. The road is hard – and especially so when due to illness I had to cancel a few signings – but it was worth the wear and tear to meet readers.

More than that though, I felt love. Whether it was family and friends who hosted me (since I paid for a good portion of the tour from my own funds, I called in a lot of favors), folks who came to signings, kids who told me their rooms were full of my art (!!), or simply conversations I had in cars and planes where we shared our growing concern for our country – I felt a thread of love and understanding. THAT is what motivates me to keep going, keep hustling and keep creating.

On that note I am excited to share that my second graphic novel, JUKEBOX has been announced! I am writing it with my hubbahubba, Nick Giordano. There’s an exclusive interview and a little art on syfy!

I also was notified that PASHMINA was reviewed by the New York Times! The review will appear this Sunday November 12th! An excerpt: “Chanani masterfully turns the complex immigrant narrative into a magical and captivating work of art.”

And lastly, I must share my upcoming events!

I will be in Santa Clara tomorrow, November 8th, at Illusive Comics for a signing.

Next weekend, November 16-19th, I will be at the Miami Book Fair (which is bigger than San Diego Comicon – which is slightly terrifying).

The weekend of Thanksgiving, November 25-26th, I will be participating in my ONLY holiday show with SF Etsy at Pier 35.

I hope to see you at one of these events! And thank you to everyone who’s purchased, read, shared, and reviewed PASHMINA. Your support on this journey allows me to keep going <3

birthday sale!

Yay! It’s my birthday. Celebrate with me and enjoy 25% off today with the code HAPPYDAY only at everydayloveart.com (excluding sale and canvas prints).

I hope you have a wonderful day!

updates & news

I’ve been traveling around promoting PASHMINA and unfortunately had to cancel this weekend’s Seattle and Dallas signings due to illness.

I am recouping and back on the road Monday. I hope to see you in Chicago at Anderson’s Bookshop on November 1st. I will also be at the YALSA Symposium in Louisville on November 4th. And to cap it all off, I’ll be at the Miami Book Fair November 17-18. More information about my events here.

And at home in San Francisco, I’m honored to be featured in the Cartoon Art Museum‘s reopening exhibit which will be up until February.

Meanwhile there have been some wonderful press about PASHMINA in Bleeding Cool, The Mary Sue and Electric Literature.

Thank you, always, for your support. I hope to see some of you on the road!

2018 calendar!

Our 2018, limited run calendar has arrived! We will begin shipping out orders on Monday!

Thanks and have a lovely weekend ^_^