one day sale

For TODAY ONLY enjoy 20% off your purchases in our biggest sale of the year. It’s the perfect time to purchase prints, pillows, mugs, totes, cards and calendars. Use the code CYMON18 at check out.

Thank you and happy shopping!

Excludes: gift cards, sale items, & originals.

SF etsy (my last retail show)

This weekend I will be at the SF Etsy show in San Francisco. I’m proud to be a member of the SF Etsy family and I hope you’ll come and shop the 200 local artists and makers.

Art and craft shows taught me how to price my work, display it and cope with slow sales, no sales and sometimes (but not often, thankfully) harsh feedback. Mostly though, it gave me what I’m always searching for – family. I’m excited about this show because I’m approaching my 10th year as an independent artist and things are shifting in my career. Books are taking up more and more of my time.
I will continue book related events next year but this may be my last retail show for the foreseeable future.
I hope to see you there!

choklit + houston

I’m embracing quick comics! I created this direct from life comic in 30 minutes and didn’t edit or change it from its original. I love the liberation in sharing work that hasn’t been redrawn.

Also I’m heading to Houston this weekend for the National Conference for Teachers of English  (and honored to be part of the South Asian Book Award, eee!) AND I have my only public signing of PASHMINA at Space Montrose Saturday night. It’s my last work trip of the year! I hope to see you there!

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


big diya


What a month – thank you everyone for all your support of my inktober drawings. I’m so happy I made all 31!

I am hosting a giveaway on my instagram of my forthcoming picture book, written by Bea Birdsong, I WILL BE FIERCE.

And, this last piece is available for purchase, $45 (including domestic shipping), if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of sakura microns and marker. I will update the post when they’re gone!

footballer + calendar preorder


All inktober 2018 drawings are available for purchase, $45 (including domestic shipping), if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of sakura microns, gold paint, and a dash of marker. I will update the post when they’re gone!

Also we’ve sent our 2019 calendar to the printers! Later than usual, but it’s in! In order to reduce overstock we ordered a limited amount. Preorder today as we’ll most likely sell out. The calendars will ship in mid November.


hop in + santa clara library comicon


All inktober 2018 drawings are available for purchase, if you’re the first to contact me. They measure 2.5×3.5 on bristol board made with a combination of sakura microns, gold paint, and a dash of marker. I will update the post when they’re gone!

Tomorrow I’ll be exhibiting and speaking at the Santa Clara library comicon. There will be activities for all ages, panels and drawing workshops. I hope to see you if you’re in the area.

Have a great weekend!

NYCC & canvases

We’ve found a new vendor for canvases and dropped the price by 20%! Buying lovely, large canvases for your home is much more accessible and we’re thrilled.

I will be heading to New York next week for New York Comicon. I’m excited to share my schedule!

I hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend –


marin comics fest

I will be speaking and signing copies of PASHMINA in San Raphael tomorrow for the Marin Comics Fest.

I hope to see you there!

Also we’ve added more gifts to our shop ^_^ I hope you have a lovely week.


catching love + phone cases and mugs

Also we’ve added phone cases and mugs to the shop! We’ll keep growing this section along with the pillows and totes.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

i will be fierce + more

The cover for our forthcoming picture book, I WILL BE FIERCE, written by Bea Birdsong and illustrated by me is out! The book will be available May 2019.

Meanwhile my schedule for New York Comicon is shaping up, I will be speaking on a few panels as well as participating in a stellar group signing at Books of Wonder on Friday October 5th. I will be with Luke Pearson, Kazu Kibuishi, Molly Ostertag and many more. Find all the details here.

And lastly I’m happy to share that we’ve added all over print pillows and totes to the site! They’re great quality and made in the USA.

I hope you have a great week!