love is in the air


all aboard



this is an old image – from nearly two years ago! i’ve always liked its simplicity… i’m still swamped with projects, but hope to be drawing again next week!

scrabble lovers

this was my first and probably last commission of the year. it was a lot of fun and i’m really happy with it!

i’m going to take a small break from daily work to focus on some exciting projects, hope to be back soon!

float on

wood burning + last hours

its the last hours of my sale on fab, too. there are still some prints and wood burnings available.

i’m going to take a few days off of the daily work to focus on some other projects, back soon!

puppy love

camouflage + sale


also, i am excited to announce my sale on is live today!

you’ll have to sign up for fab to view it – have a lovely week!


