moo friends


When I did the art for good challenge, many people sent ideas. My friend Briana, who owned Urban Bazaar in San Francisco (which was the first shop to carry my prints) asked me to draw a protester. She’s one of my favorite people, dedicated to good and a model for how to be intentional with your choices. When I got her request I decided to surprise her and drew her and her daughters protesting.

In turn, she surprised me by sharing her newest tattoo (!!!)

It’s my honor to do what I do and be surrounded by people like Briana. She lives far away now, but I’m so happy the distance hasn’t reduced our closeness – and this makes me feel even closer to her.

I hope you have a lovely day!

my lamb

star keeper

I’m going to attempt to do 1 hour speed paintings like this one a couple times a week as I work on Jukebox. If other projects come up, I may have to stop but for now I’m going to try!

disney weekend

Catch me for my last Disney appearance this Saturday and Sunday. Both days I will be at Wonderground Gallery in Downtown Disney from 11-1p and Rushing River in California Adventure from 2-4 performing live wood burnings. I hope to see you there!

ballo and billi

En la mañana

I had the pleasure of visiting Cuba this year and finally have a chance to capture some of what I saw in art.

I hope you have a lovely week.

our limitless love

This illustration is now available exclusively at Disneyland’s Wonderground Gallery.

I will be there signing on July 21, 28 and 29 from 11-1pm. I will also be performing live wood burnings the last weekend at Rushin’ River Outfitters inside California Adventure from 2-5p.

If you can’t make it to Disney can take orders via email at:  or by telephone at: 877-560-6477.  Just let Mail Order know that you’re interested in the Nidhi Chanani artwork from WonderGround Gallery West and they would be happy to let you know if it’s currently available. Please be patient as they do take a bit to reply.

Our first family ride

Two new illustrations were released this weekend with Disney. Both were inspired by my daughter – her first ride and her love of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I think of the Small World ride as my family’s first experience with representation. We immigrated in the 80s to Southern California and inside Disneyland we found ourselves reflected in these adorable dolls from India. Each time we went on the ride I would watch my mom point and happily sing along, feeling in that moment that we were welcome. I can only hope that the message and beauty of that idea will prevail. Small world will always have a special place in my heart because of that experience with my mom. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to create this piece. Drawing the dolls in front of the clock was my absolute favorite part!

If you are in Downtown Disney, you can find this piece in the Wonderground Gallery. I will be there signing on July 21, 28 and 29 from 11-1pm. I will also be performing live wood burnings the last weekend at Rushin’ River Outfitters inside California Adventure. This past weekend I created owls and a lynx, both original, one of a kind and available there for $125.

If you can’t make it to Disney can take orders via email at:  or by telephone at: 877-560-6477.  Just let Mail Order know that you’re interested in the Nidhi Chanani artwork from WonderGround Gallery West and they would be happy to let you know if it’s currently available. Please be patient as they do take a bit to reply.

I hope you have a good week!

thank you

Thank you for your ideas, messages and support. There are still drawings available here. For awhile I thought I was bananas for committing to 100 drawings as my hands began to ache and I fought a headache all day. Your love pushed me through.

We’ve raised $3,600 thus far. Thank you for committing your support to help immigrant families.

Art matters, it’s light in the darkness.

Keep fighting, keep resisting.