mom’s love



I created some special watercolors for Mother’s Day! You can find purchase info on my Instagram ^_^



maya means love in nepali. i want to send loads of love to nepal in the aftermath of the earthquake. i know i can channel my sadness into art – so i created this piece.

this is for the nepali people. it will be available as a limited edition print through this sunday May 3rd with 100% of the profit going to mercy corps.

hooray for cats



Purchase info for my watercolor Wednesdays can always be found on myinstagram!

Italy travel comics

It’s been 3 years since the hubbahubba and I took a long vacation. To celebrate his official move to working full-time for Everyday Love Art (woohoo!) AND completing the thumbnails for Pashmina (it took a year!) we decided to tour Italy. He’s 3/4 Italian and Italy has always be high on both of our lists to visit! While we were traveling around I drew a few comics to capture some of our experiences.


We took 2 flights to get to Rome and immediately boarded a train to Florence. Neither of us can sleep well on planes.


The first morning was magical as we woke to the bells of the Duomo in Florence.


But Florence wasn’t kind to us. Jet lagged, we created mosquito gut masterpieces at 3am instead of sleeping or snuggling.


Finally adjusted to the time, we toured Genoa. With a piece of foccacia, cobble stone streets and his hand in mine we both fell in love with Italy.


We spent a good portion of our time in Cinque Terre. Every vista and meal was a delight. I decided that if hubbahubba REALLY loved me he would learn how to make pansotti (and all pastas) ^_^


I enjoyed taking the train from city to city, drawing and writing postcards.



Another 2 flights home, nursing a cold and jet lagged I was so tired. I needed to brush my teeth before sleeping but couldn’t find the energy… ^_^

Overall our trip was wonderful. Sometimes when we plan things into 2016 it feels very overwhelming – it was so nice to stop, take a break and enjoy the simple things in life.

I hope you’re having a happy Monday!


bun bun


Purchase info for my watercolor Wednesdays can always be found on my instagram!

Purchase info for the watercolors can always be found on my instagram! – See more at:



marco polo and wondercon

marcopolo we are off to sunny southern california for wondercon. if you’re in the area, come by and say hello! we will be in small press, table 56! ^_^ wondercongiffile have a great weekend!

sky magic


Purchase info for the watercolors can always be found on my instagram!

Have a lovely week ^_^

three of us

three of us

rain ready



In preparation for our trip to Seattle, I painted some rain for watercolor Wednesday ^_^ I also upgraded my travel watercolor set for some lovely kuretake watercolors – I love them!

Purchase info for the watercolors can always be found on my instagram!

Have a lovely week ^_^