baby workouts



have a happy week!

en espanol:Oy! mirar mis msculos !

Yo tambin! ser un nuevo padre es buenisimo!

em portugues:nossa! olhar para os meus msculos!

eu tambm! sendo um pai novo maravilhoso!

new cards + live watercoloring



We’ve updated the shop with a bunch of new cards! Which is your favorite? ^_^

Also, this Saturday I will have a pop-up at Wink SF and I will be doing some live watercoloring! Come by and say hello!



turtle love





today i have two turtles for #watercolor wednesday! purchase info on my instagram ^_^

sharing + clearance + news

strollersharing anyone else fight over who pushes the stroller? ^_^ we’ve updated our clearance section with overstock of large prints – get em soon, they’re going fast! also i was invited to contribute to bored panda again, and i wrote about my rejection by publishers.

terrible yellow eyes


I have two watercolors in the Sendak and Silverstein tribute show at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland in Los Angeles! I’m super happy to be in the company of many talented artists – the show opens tomorrow at 6pm, check it out if you’re in the area!

Have a great weekend ^_^

otter delight


Another watercolor Wednesday, purchase info on myinstagram^_^




I’m back in the studio after a 2 month break to be with my daughter. It’s the longest break I’ve had from art in 5 years! My biggest project is working on the final art for my graphic novel, Pashmina. As I opened my completed pages I noticed my main character, Priyanka, looked different in a few panels. I started to worry that I wouldn’t be able to keep her consistent throughout the book. As I revised the panels that bothered me, I thought about how much work isn’t seen by the reader. There’s so much pre-work – sketches, notes, ideas, drafts. Through the next few months as I work on final art I want to share some glimpses of the pre-work with you.

As I worried about character consistency, I pulled up a file with a bunch of Priyanka expressions I drew during the thumbnail process. This exercise not only gave me an idea of her personality, but also how to draw her face up, face down, and from the side. Once I brought this file up, I felt calm. I already did the work that could help me with consistency. I use the file for reference through each page.

This is my first attempt at a graphic novel. The whole process is a learning experience. By the time you hold a copy in your hands, each page will have been revised, redrawn and edited at least eight times. The manuscript had five drafts. The thumbnails had three rounds of editing. The final art will no doubt have at least two. Some pages are easier than others. I’ve read about other creator’s processes in writing and drawing. I’m sure I’m doing things wrong and I know I’ve made lots of mistakes. I’m okay with that. Once I finish, I will know what works for me.

For now, I must push forward, making mistakes and learning along the way.

love in paris


happy anniversary to my sweet, thoughtful hubbahubba who proposed to me in paris!

scribble me happy



I will be participating in the First Friday art walk in San Mateo from 6-9pm with one of the cutest shops, Scribble Me Happy. Come by to chat and watch me watercolor!

Also, as many requested, the above watercolor is now available as a print!

family nap
