we lived by the ocean


we lived 1/2 block from the ocean. i remember sleeping and waking to the sound of fog horns next to you. i wanted to travel, live somewhere bigger and more exciting, i never thought i’d settle down… until i met you. because coming home to you is what i truly need.

we met in college (anniversary week)


this week’s drawings will be a celebration and gift for my hubbahubba.

we have been married for three years and together for ten years. we met in college and quickly became best friends. through the years we’ve been through many things together. from miserable minimum wage jobs to unbearable sadness, to celebrations and explorations of the world, from beach side to city – showing each other the worst side of ourselves… and the best. i’ll never know who i’d be without him but i do know that the person i am today is because of his love.

for my best friend, happy anniversary. i can’t wait for another decade full of love with you.

party animals


early morning + book signing


i will be signing books this saturday from 3-6pm at Rare Device, hope to see you there ^_^

never let me go


i’m going to post a little less for awhile so that i can focus on some larger projects – i’ll still post a few times a week, but not everyday ^_^

some of my best friends


dancing days




all together now


when i began my career as an artist and every day since, i’ve only set out to do one thing: make people happy. i believe that in a way, this is a political act. utilizing art to remind people (and myself) that outside of the bleak headlines, endless data and information overload that beauty is everywhere.

in the wake of the senseless violence in colorado and wisconsin, i find it hard to hold that in my mind and my heart. however, i feel that i have a responsibility to continue… and although my impact may be small, it is those small moments, actions and words that create hope and strength.

so today let’s take a moment to counteract the violence – send an email to an old friend, call your sister and tell her your love her, hug your co-worker – or something out of your ordinary routine to add warmth to your space.

because in the end, we all share the same space, breathe the same air… and now feels like a time we need to inject it with love.

hide and seek
