nachte dil
/0 Comments/in daily drawing, originals, watercolors /by Nidhi ChananiAvailable for $100 here
forest fairy
/0 Comments/in daily drawing, originals, watercolors /by Nidhi Chananiavailable here
slumber sidekick
/0 Comments/in daily drawing /by Nidhi ChananiSOLD!
They measure 2.5×3.5 inches on bristol board made with a combination of brush pen, color markers, microns and a little dash of colerase pencils. I will update the post with sold if they’re gone ^_^
From the weekend:
Mini pumpkin dance (SOLD)
Elephant sparkle (SOLD)
dance party + shipping deadline
/0 Comments/in daily drawing, news /by Nidhi Chananithis is an older image. the one place i can always convince my hubbahubba to dance with me is in our apartment. and oh my do we dance! some of my favorite times are when we’re in our pjays shimmying to records.
also a friendly reminder that today is the last day to order prints & such and guarantee arrival by christmas.